Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 Year In Review

Well, folks, it's officially 2010.  Why and how?  I have no idea.  What happened to 2009?

Anyway, since there's nothing to be done about it being 2010, here's a look back at 2009...

Total books read-- 141 (Okay, 135.  There were 6 I didn't finish.)
Average # of books per month-- 11.75
Best month-- January, 17 books
Worst month-- December, 6 books (that's pitiful, really, which is why I didn't bother with a December post...)

Reader's Choice books-- 34
Book Club-- 8 (2 of those I didn't finish.)
Virtual Book Tour-- 16 (1 of those I didn't finish)
Rereads-- 8

Series or companion books-- 58 
Newbery books-- 5

Library books-- 107
Books I own (Not including books sent for review)-- 16 (which is higher than I thought it was, yea me!)
Borrowed books-- 3
Books I bought or received as a gift after reading-- 3  (We won't talk about how long my wishlist is...)

Genre I read the most-- Mystery, 24 (no big surprise there)
Genre I read the least-- tie between General Christian fiction and Graphic Novels, both 2 books

YA or JF books-- 43

Not too bad of a reading year!


  1. Great year! But like you, I can hardly remember where 2009 went.

  2. Something weird happened with the space-time continuum, I tell you.
