Friday, February 11, 2011

A New Birth of Freedom: The Visitor by Robert G. Pielke

3.5 stars
Copy provided for review

This is quite possibly the most bizarre thing I've ever read.  And that's saying something, really.

So we start with a man boarding a train.... in the 1800s... wearing Nikes and a leather jacket and Levis.

He has a conversation with future president Abe Lincoln.

Fourteen years later, he reappears in the president's life... asking for help.... at Gettysburg.

And it honestly gets weirder from there.

This was a slow start for me-- I don't know a ton about the little details of the Civil War like people and places.  And the writing could have been tightened up a bit.

But I am fascinated.  How completely strange and yet wholly captivating.

I will warn you-- it's a total cliffhanger.  Now I have to figure out how to get my hands on the next book.  Sheesh.

Anyway, I recommend it.  It may blow your mind, lol.


  1. Hi Britt,

    Thanks for reading it...and allowing it to "blow your mind"! Hahahahaha

    I've always described what I write as fitting into a small niche of small niche genre, and that there are only a dozen or so others who do the same...with a readership about the same size.

    The next one, I guess, will be a bit bizarre too.

    Bob Pielke

  2. Britt - I'm glad that you're eagerly anticipating the next installment in the trilogy and for recommending the book.

    For all those interested in following along on the book's blog tour, please hop on over to

  3. Britt, Wasn't this a surprising book....I was unsure but went on....and it drew me in. Now I too need the next one in the trilogy. Fingers crossed!

  4. Bob- thanks for dropping by! I would hope the next one is just as bizarre. ;)

    Tribute- Thanks for including that link, I completely forgot to put it in the review!

    Lynette- very surprising!

    And can I just say, after finishing it late at night, I had the WEIRDEST dreams! lol
