Friday, August 16, 2013

The Wild Princess by Mary Hart Perry

A Novel of Queen Victoria's Defiant Daughter

4 stars
R- 3
Copy received for review

A historical romance full of intrigue about Princess Louise, later Duchess of Argyll.

While I ended up really enjoying this one I have a couple of caveats.

One, little steamy and I'm not a fan of romances where one or both are married and they aren't married to each other.

Two, I'm sorry, but when your job, which you are evidently quite good at, depends HIGHLY on discretion, I struggle with the idea that you are going to get drunk and mouth off in a pub in the first 50 pages.  Really, I have a hard time respecting you at that point.

I will say, it felt like a fluke later.  As you got to know the character better you're left asking what in the heck was happening at the beginning of the book because it seems a bit out of character.  I get what the author was setting up and why, but seriously?  Made it hard to respect him as the book goes on.

Which is bad since he's the leading man.

Anyway, other than those annoyances, I did enjoy this one.  There was enough going on, enough intrigue, to keep it from just being a romance.

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