Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Laura Lamont's Life in Pictures by Emma Straub

3 stars
r- maybe 2?
copy received for review

I struggled with this one.

Well-written, certainly.

But oh my gosh, I was bored.

And really, I can't point to anything wrong with the book.  There isn't anything really.

I just simply do. not. care.

I can't understand why anyone would want to live a Hollywood life, I really really don't.

So there was absolutely no way for me to connect to the main character.

I tried.  I wanted to feel sorry for her when tragedy struck, if nothing else, but she seemed to be doing such a spectacular job of that herself that I just couldn't quite do it.

Overall... I don't know.  It wasn't for me, but I am positive I'll be in the minority on that.

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