Friday, January 31, 2014

The Humming Room by Ellen Potter

4 stars

A retelling of The Secret Garden.

I really enjoyed this one, though there was an element of "well that all happened quickly".

It's certainly a much shorter book than Secret Garden but it also felt more mystical.  There is a mystique to the moors of the original, to be sure, but in the end all of the characters are simply people.

And in this retelling.... well, are they?  You'll have to decide for yourself.

Overall, a good one.  Interesting and fantastical.

I will say, though, that after reading the author Q&A at the end and learning that she nearly substituted something else for the garden, I almost wished she had.  Not because I didn't like the garden element or because it wasn't well done, but because the other ideas she had considered sounded so fascinating!

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