Monday, January 19, 2009

It's a Dog's Life

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
5 stars

I first heard about this book on Jessica's Blog and when I saw it on the latest Reader's Choice list, I snatched it up!
This fabulous story is told entirely from the dog's perspective. Enzo sees everything and yet is trapped in a dog's body, not allowed to comment or interact on a human level. (Blasted lack of opposable thumbs!)
"I saw a film once. A documentary. On the television, which I watch a lot. Denny once told me not to watch too much. I saw a documentary about dogs in Mongolia. It said that after dogs die, they return as men."
And there's nothing he wants more. To return as a man, to meet Denny on equal terms. To walk up to Denny and shake his hand and say Enzo says hello.
This book was touching and endearing-- both funny and sad.
The kind of book you want to read again.

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