Friday, February 5, 2010

Kids' Books We Didn't Love

We talk a lot on blogs about books we love.  I mean, that's the point, right?  And it's awesome.

But I'm curious... in a devil's advocate kind of way...

What are the kids' books you DIDN'T love?  What are the ones you just didn't care about enough to read?  What books do you hate reading aloud?

I'll start with a double-whammy confession--
**I've never read any of the Little House books or the Anne of Green Gables books**

Shocking, I know.  But for whatever reason, they just never interested me.  In fact, they still don't.  I am brilliantly apathetic.  It's weird.

You know what else?  I hate reading The Cat in the Hat.  I really do.  That thing is a beast to read aloud.  I also hate the Curious George books.  The old originals are just so.... well, old.  The wording drives me nuts reading aloud.  I got rid of most of them when I cleaned out the kids' books last week.

I know, someone somewhere is going to burn me in effigy for all this, but it's just the way it is.

What "classics" do you actively avoid??


  1. I've never read of the Anne of Green Gables (seen the movies though) or the Little House (yawn) either if it makes you feel better.
    I hate reading Fox in Socks out loud.

  2. lol
    I always LOVED Fox in Socks as a kid... I now understand why my parents didn't!

    And I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one that's never read Anne or Laura! (I've seen the Anne movies.)

  3. How funny! I loved the Anne books. I don't even remember reading the Little House books, though.

    I can't think of any kids books I hated. I only start to loathe books really when a kid asks me to read it over and over and over again for them.

  4. I've also never read the Anne books - although I plan to do that some day. Maybe.

    I had never heard of the Shoes books (by Noel Streatfeild) until last November. I read Ballet Shoes at some friends' urging. I liked it, but I didn't love, love it like so many people have told me they did (especially as children).

  5. I have never read, or even considered, the Little House series. I do love Anne of Green Gables, but I never make it through the sequels. There are a lot of oft praised children's books that my son doesn't like at all. But thinking more in terms of what I don't like, hmm... Todd Parr's illustration style doesn't appeal to me (those pointy headed people are just weird). I must have wiped the others from my memory, because I am drawing a blank. I think I tend to leaf through books quickly in the library and if I hate it, it doesn't come home with us - out of sight, out of mind.

  6. By the way, my first weeks/months of new parenthood were rough, and I dropped pleasure reading altogether. My first foray back into reading was rereading Anne of Green Gables on my iphone through the Guggenheim project while my son nursed all night. :)

  7. Melissa- Yeah, even the best books get old if you have to read them a ton!

    Alison- I'm not sure I've read the shoe books. I'm familiar with them, but I don't think I've actually picked one up!

    Infant Bibliophile- Ah, just wait until he's a little older and INSISTS on certain books! I sadly can't control what Boo picks out anymore...
    I read a lot while nursing. Boo was a preemie, so feeding her was quite the chore. I was nursing her so much that I read a whole long series in like 8 days!

    Interesting how many others haven't read Anne or the Little House books! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that's skipped those!
