Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Reading Saturdays!!

Summer reading is here again!!

Okay, so it's been here for a month, but still.

The library adult program is once again reading 4 books plus 4 "free choice" options (which could also be reading books).  I'm done.  They need to make it more challenging.  (On the Goodreads group it's read 5 books from 5 different continents.  I'm almost done with that too.)

Anyway, the kids are ALL signed up this year-- Baby J with 5 minute sessions, Mister with 10 minute sessions and Boo with 30 minute sessions.

Overall, we're all doing a lot of reading... it's the timing and keeping track that I'm having a hard time with.

How about you, what are YOUR summer reading goals??

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