I'm celebrating Black Friday by A) not shopping because OH. MY. GOSH. NO.

and B) locking myself in my bedroom to catch up on blog posts.
I'm lining up a whole bunch of "here's what books to get people for Christmas" posts (because Christmas is only a month away.... how the heck did that happen?!?!?) ....
... and I'm starting with The Children's Literature Association of Utah's Beehive nominees.
If you aren't familiar with CLAU or the Beehives you can check out their website (claubeehive.org).
The Beehives four categories and always have amazing books. I haven't read everything on the list (I'll let you know which ones I have) but the fact that they're on the list is always a good sign to me. :)
I'm going to do one category per post... because otherwise TL:DR.
So today: Informational Books
The Boys Who Challenged Hitler: Knud Pedersen and the Churchill Club by Phillip Hoose (This looks like a great choice for the history-lover.)
Emmanuel's Dream: The True Store of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah by Laurie Ann Thompson (This came up on a list of books Mister brought home from school. He and I both enjoyed it. Very interesting story.)
Gordon Parks: How the Photographer Captured Black and White America by Carole Boston Weatherford (This looks really interesting.)
Hippos Are Huge! by Jonathan London (I haven't actually read this one yet, just glanced through it, but it looks so fun!)
The House that Jane Built: A Story About Jane Addams by Tanya Lee Stone (Jane Addams was an activist that worked to better the lives of the poor. This is on my to-read-soon list.)
If: A Mind-Bending New Way of Looking at Big Ideas and Numbers by David J Smith (This looks so fun.)
I'm Trying to Love Spiders by Bethany Barton (This one was a hit in my house. It's hilarious.)
Mesmerized: How Ben Franklin Solved a Mystery that Baffled all of France by Mara Rockliff (Really good. Very interesting story.)
Winnie: The True Story of the Bear who Inspired Winnie-the-Pooh by Sally M Walker (LOVED this one. If you ignore everything else on this list, check this one out.)
Winter Bees and Other Poems of the Cold by Joyce Sidman (Now that it's actually turned cold we need to get this book of nature poems.)
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