It's a return to Summer Reading Saturdays!
This year, for Boo and Mister, I'm modeling things on the 30 book challenge that Mister did in school a year or two ago.
For each month I will give them a list of genres and how many of each they need to read, totaling 15 books per month.
(Does that sound like a lot? Boo was on book 3 on day 2. I promise they can do it.)
Actually technically it's 14 books plus one title that I'm requiring (for June it's Real Friends-- review next week).
I'm trying to get them out of their ruts, so Boo's list does not have fantasy on it (it does require one Robin McKinley, because McKinley's amazing and Boo's been weirdly resistant about her books).
They both need to read a classic (which for Boo means things like Little Women and for Mister means things like Newbery winners from before he was born), a couple of mysteries, at least one verse novel and one graphic novel, 2 or 3 historical fiction, etc.
We'll see how June goes and maybe we'll tweak July.
Their reward will be the ice cream sundae parties each month like we did last summer.
What about MeiMei, you ask?
MeiMei's goal is just to finish what she starts. She's the child that starts a book, reads a chapter, puts it down, starts another book, etc, etc.
Even when she's really enjoying a book she does this. It makes me batty. I cannot read that way.
What are YOU doing for summer reading?
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