Monday, March 5, 2018

Bitter Past by Caroline Fardig

Ellie Matthews #1

3.5 stars
R- I honestly don't remember.... 1-2 I think

Let me start by saying that this is NOT a cozy.

This is a dark compelling procedural.

Emphasis on dark, but also emphasis on compelling.

Funny story-- I was offered a review copy of the sequel.  I hate reading sequels without reading the first book, but it looked really good.  So I went looking and hey, the first book was free on Kindle Unlimited.

Not my preference, but it would be a way to read the book so why not?

Read it in a day.  An afternoon, really.

Told them to go ahead and send me a digital copy of the second one.  (Again, not my preference, but I was on a roll and the first one was good.)

Read that all in one go too. (Review to come)

And..... then realized I have a paperback review copy of the first one, lol.

That's how out-of-control my house is, folks.


Overall, I don't love Ellie, and her self-medication at the end seemed like a bit much, and you all know language isn't my preference, but dang it's a good mystery.

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